Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the little walkers

These little crazies both walk, they both talk, they both smile, they both play, they both met each other, now they are friends!!!
They are both related to me, but they are not related to each other. She is my cousin Sophia. He is my brother Sebastian.
They both start with "S". They both have curly hair. They both are one year old. They both have teeth. They both have cute clothes.
They are my little cute crazy monsters, and they will be forever!

hottie of the year

I am cute. I am hot. I am sassy. I am fun. I am smart. How about you? I know what you're thinking. But I was hot for real. I almost pasted out. This was my birthday when I turned 5. Now I am 7. The girl in the blue dress is Lisette. She is my step cousin. I have lots of friends. I got really hot from the merry-go-round. They had to put me in my Tia Lisa's car with the air conditioner because I was so hot my face was red. I was wearing a pirate costume for my pirate party. Then I changed to these clothes to cool down.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Happy Halloween! I was a Geisha for Halloween this year. I went to Nana and Tata's house. Sophia was there with her family. Sophia was Dorthy from Wizard of Oz. The twins were duckies. A house had a pumpkin that got shot. Elaine was a baseball player. Tia Mary was a doctor. I got a lot of Hershey's chocolates.

Hope you had a good Halloween!