
Me and my American Girl doll are like twins. I got her for Xmas from my Nana and Tata. She has bangs just like me. She is my second favorite doll. My first is Sassy because she is the second build-a-bear I ever had. We both have the same pajamas because my Nana and Tata also got me and my AG doll the same pajamas. We are sitting in the twins new stroller.

Now we have buns, the same as can be, in our hair. I did my hair and my AG doll's hair. We almost have the same shirt. We are so twins, and we will be forever. Her name is Marie.
These boots were made for walking

Lili says, "These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they're ganna do. One of these days these boots are ganna be walking all over you!"
As you see in the picture, Lili does not want these boots, but her feet are in the boots. She also thinks the boots stink!

Blogging, I just skipped it for a while. But now finally I'm blogging! I was just plain old lazy. This is just a picture of me when I was plain old lazy, in December. Tell me, do you think I'm lazy with blogging, or lazy with everything else? I'm guessing everything else.