Bass Lake

It's coming, it's coming! We're going to the magnificent Bass Lake. Me and Marie and the family are ganna have lots of fun. We are going to go for a week in August. It'll be enough time to add one bird to my bird collection. Last when I went to Bass Lake I got two birds and a nest inside a shop. They are fake birds, of course. When I go I will probably get a blue jay, maybe, or a robin.
I will get Marie a new outfit for Bass Lake. Have you ever been to Bass Lake? Because it's really fun!
Until next time...

At school we saw an opposum. We've been having Wildlife every Wednesday. To bad today was the last day. Wildlife was something where somebody came and showed us animals. Of course she showed us more than one animal. She was there for 5 weeks. And one time we saw a snake and a skunk, too. It's really fun at Wildlife. There was also a scorpion, too. Have you ever heard opposums play dead, but they really don't know they are doing it. There's a chemical in their body that goes to their head and puts them to sleep because they are so scared. This is how that happens. The opposum runs away when it's sees an emeny. Then it shows them it's teeth. Then it just gets the chemical and goes to sleep.
Until next time...