Who is pn? I've been wondering who you are. If you see this, use a comment to tell me who you are.
p.s. I saw a black widow in my back yard today. My Mom killed it. Alleluia!
I'm Tagged & I'm ganna get over it
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog.
Here is my 7 things:
1. I am a girl and I love shopping. But I do not like expensive or cheesey things.It is still easy shopping though.
2. I do chores and I still do not have any allowance.
3. I think (little) Feilx is so annoying.
4. Soon I will be signing up for cheerleading.
5. I'm trying to collect Bass Lake birds, fake ones.
6. I have played other sports than soocer. Such as ice skating, ballet, gymnastics, and my gym.
7. I like cereal & milk.